There are more pressing things lately than have needed my time.
Here are some things of interest. Not to you, but rather, to me.
In no order.
I went to Indianapolis about a week or so ago.
It was great, the trip. I sat on the porch, as I am wont to do, hung out with my nearest and dearest and drank my whiskey diets in sunshine and mild temps.
I also went to a yard sale with Lisa and Pants where I bought some scented candles.
They smell like Cucumber and melon. And let me tell you, the baby Jesus' own flower garden doesn't smell better than those candles. And that mo fo has a green thumb.
And get this, I flew. In a plane. I felt I had to add that. My ability to fly will have it's own blog post one day, I promise.
I haven't flown since my Grandmother Lavonne's funeral a few years ago.
I swiped some headphone that they said didn't work off of the plane.
Bullshit. I call bullshit. They totally do.
They say United on them.
And they make me happy.
I also took a skymall catalog and I have decided that I want a Harry Potter Wand and a limited edition Dark Knight batman cowl.
And a towel heater. It heats your towels.
It heats your towels so you don't have to put them in the oven.
And it runs on electricity.
My Grandfather was an electrician.
Ernie Carlson wants me to have a towel warmer.
This is why I fly. To talk to my dead Grandfather.
I am obsessed with scooters these days.
When I get to Indiana, I will not have a car. No big deal, right? I dont have a car here. True, but we also have a really good Transit system.
In indy, you might get a bus every half hour during the week. At rush hour. If it comes at all.
And you have to be ok with going to three places in the city where the buses go.
I need transport. And I want a scooter.
The moped I bought over a year ago is sitting somewhere in hopkins being useless and not working.
By the way, if anyone wants a moped that was made in July of 1978 (just like me) all you need to do is give me $175 and then pay $50 for a part or something and then make a pact with satan and do everyone's taxes ever in the world and cut your fingers while slicing lemons and punch your balls over and over and over again until you are dead. Then you have a great moped.
So yeah. My moped doesnt work. And if you fancy yourself a handy person with a small two stroke engine, buy it from me so I have some money.
If anyone has a scooter that is sweet that they want to sell for $500, please let me know.
What else. What else.
Mike Brody, local talent of stage and porn is at The Mt. Washington Ghost Hunters dealiedoo. It's in New Hampshire.
In a haunted hotel.
The one that inspired the one from The Shining.
He is doing a few stand up shows while there, and has been blogging about how much fun he is having without me. You should read his stuff, it is rather fun.
I'd say i am jealous of him, but jealousy makes you look fat and ugly. So I am happy for him.
He and I share the love of the Paranormal. And of Brian Wilson.
And when BW joins Carl and Dennis to form the greatest band in the cosmos once again, we will hunt his spirit together. Mike and I. And we will wear matching jumpsuits and helmets that say 'Awesome' on the back in fire letters.
Just kidding. Brian Wilson will live forever and ever.
But mike and I will wear those outfits to Chipotle someday...
I am so going to the next big event the Ghost Hunters have.
AND I am moving to the most haunted neighborhood in Indianapolis, so when I get there, I will be looking up Investigation groups to join.
One of my oldest friends, Jenny Brown just gave birth to a little boy named Adam.
She was in labor for like three days or something stupid, which probably makes her made because her best friend Lisa gave birth a little less than a year ago and it took 20 minutes.
I congratulate Jenny and Hammam for doing it. And for a healthy litte dude that I will play Batman and transformers with.
Also: Treefort. We are so gonna have a tree fort.
And he will be marrying AnniePants (Lisa & Jame's kid)
And he will call me either Odin or Thor. I have not decided yet.
The Monday Night Comedy Show is plugging along nicely.
This is a really hard time for me, because the show is coming to a close, and I love it so damn much. I've never really put this much effort into something before. I mean, there have been plays and such, but those have a finite end with the closing night bows.
But this.
Oh but this. It's a different beast altogether.
This is so hands on. I have to talk to all of the acts beforehand. I have to ask them, or they me to perform. We have a connection, and the end result is a wonderful thing that I hope makes people happy having gone to.
I started trying to write a kind of 'Going away speech' for our closing night on June 15th. (plan to be there)
It is near impossible.
At least for me. This is all my own doing, this show. The only time I have been able to say that. And these people that have performed have become my friends. Now I have to say goodbye to them? It fucking sucks. That's what it does.
I hope I actually get it done. The speech, I mean. I have this problem of getting way too emotional. Stay tuned. I might just film the whole thing so I can be somewhere else drinking heavily. Or not.
Ummmm.... Yeah, so only 7 shows left in the run, and I'm getting anxious. It's happening way too fast for me, and I am freaking out a bit. Keeping it all internal save for this blog. And when I smack my bitches up. By bitches, I mean Boxes. And by smacking, i mean packing stuff into them.
I am packing boxes.
And when the time comes for me to have the yard sale of epic proportions, you must promise me that you will buy my stuff so that I can eat and live when I get to Indianapolis.
Seriously. I will be very short on cash. Please buy my stuff? I have neat stuff.
You can come over beforehand and put post it notes on my stuff you want and say that it is yours.
We can work it out.
I believe in us.
Details on the yard sale to follow soon.
So the move is coming, and I know that I should be writing about it and making lists and dealing with emotions and hopes and dreams and fears and terrors. I'm not ready just yet. But when it does come pouring out, boy howdy, hold on to your butts. Because once I start, we will not be able to get Jurassic Park online.
I stared writing this the other day. So since then, we have done the Monday night Comedy Show #93.
Now we only have six shows left.
And then it will be five.
And then my head will begin to get all wobbly and I will start getting all cry baby and stuff.
Maybe not that dramatic, but I sense an increase in Whiskey consumption and the singing of Danny Boy.
The lineup is pretty stellar for this Monday, the 4th of May.
Jeff Hopkins sent me a little message asking for time, and since I used to work with him on Stand up a Go Go back in the day at the bnw, I could hardly say no.
I'm looking forward to every show coming up but the last one.
I will be performing with Laura Haug and John Bungert at Pee Your Pants Monthly at The Bryant Lake Bowl on May 14th. That show is at 10pm and cost $10.
Pretty steep, but there is music and video and other acts that will make you, well, pee your pants.
Our group name is BLONDE ON BLOND AND JOHN
I am a clever little mensa monkey, aren't I?
Our two year anniversary show is coming up on May 11th.
I have decided to go with a Masquerade Ball theme.
It will be like last year's Prom theme, but with masks and more fog machine.
Katy McGrath will be taking pictures, and I hope to get everyone to pose.
Dancing in between the sets amidst fog and candlelight. Very very fun stuff.
I am hoping that people fill in the order forms for tee shirts and/or posters.
The tee shirts are gonna be nice, but sadly, I need to gather up at least 30 orders to make it happen.
The poster is going to be print to order, but they are sweet too. Movie poster size, and designed by Lindsey McDonald Dorsey.
So yeah. The deadline is May 7th to get those in. That way, we get the shirts by early June.
New Note, Mike Brody got back from the TAPS Beyond Reality Event in New Hampshire.
He had multiple experiences, and I look forward to hearing about them. So. Jealous.
Right. I know there's more I want to tell you, but I have to start cleaning up the shop.
Stay Awesome until later.