Saturday, October 24, 2009

No clever title.

The public side of Andrew is getting to be more social.
But there is a private side that just wants to sit in a room with no lights on and think about things I cannot change.
Things are getting better, though. The impending move back to Minneapolis is daunting and there are many list items that need to be addressed.
I need to ship many items back via fedex. The reason being is that my Dad gave me a huge old typewriter that he used to use for his work at Neilson. The thing is huge and works like a dream. It was serviced to mint condition seemingly moments before he set it on a shelf and never used it again. It also came with enough extra ribbon to last until typewriters come back into style.
It weighs about 100 pounds and since I am prone to calling things I like very cool names, I have named this beast The Anvil of Crom. (the former name of my defunct moped project bike...sigh)
So that bad boy is coming with me on the train.
And I am shipping almost everything else.
Which needs to happen soon, as I leave in a little more than a week.
My Gods is that coming up fast.
I really wish things had worked out the way they were going to go in my head.
I also wish that my self esteem wasn't set at zero.
These are things I need to stop worrying about and begin to love the bomb...
I am not so deluded that I think that a simple move back to the Twin Cities will automatically make everything sunshine and rainbows. It will be as much an uphill battle there as it is here.
But I have my reasons for going back, and I have to start living for ME again. And not a dream life revolving around anyone else.
There will be single-ness that I will need to strictly adhere to.
Not to say that my trust in long term relationships is gone the way of my love of Crystal pepsi or OK Soda. I still believe in love and joy and puppies and Tabasco sauce and post it notes and bottle caps. those are things I associate with dating, by the way.
I think i am going to be more cautious from now on. And I will never put myself in a position to hurt or be hurt by persons again.
Interesting thing about my time in Indy: I feel much less passive aggressive now.
This will be a Hell of a thing to take back to Minneapolis, where Passive aggression is mixed with the fluoride they put in the drinking water.
Not to say I am going to punch people more and write mean comments on facebook walls.
I'm still the me that you fell in love with. But I am most certainly not same person you fell out of love with.
Consider an Andy without reservations. that would be an interesting Andy indeed.

A post with greater detail about Indy and my people here will be coming soon.

In the meantime, the in between time, I have laundry that hasn't learned to do itself.
And I am sure you have somewhere you ought to be.

Stay Awesome



  1. Why would you use Fed Ex and not the regular post office? Are you incredibly wealthy????

    Don't say insurance and tracking because the post office offers both those things.



Thank you for telling me what you think.

Be nice, I'm fragile.