Saturday, July 4, 2009

Update #5 & #6

Last night was needed.
The earlier parts of the evening are embarrassing to me, and each time I re-live them, I realize what a fool I am sometimes.
When i want or need something or rather, someone, I keep trying to get it. Even if it isn't what they want at the time. I am selfish, i think, and the center of my own universe. This shit has got to stop. The more you try to hold on, the looser your grip.
If you love something, set it free, etc. etc.
I am back to writing. I got some things done today that doesn't suck too much. It's a rough draft, so I'm ok with it. I still find myself editing as i go, which is on my long list of personal to do less of. Maybe i will compile a list of the big stuff and keep it in my wallet, check it off as I go...

In other news, I had to stop writing the blog in order to gather thoughts and deal with some housekeeping. The above passage was written after the night in Broad Ripple. There was much more to the blog, but I think it was best to leave out some bits. Some memories are either best forgotten, or best left in my head.
We went as a group to see our friend Andrea DJ at a great little club that had lots to look at. There were train wrecks to see, and people to meet. And the music. That girl has great taste in music. Usually when anyone spins music, there is a 5 to 65% chance of crap being thrown into the mix. She did very well. I didn't hear one song that didn't suck.
And she played a request for me that allowed even Mr. Brynildson the chance to dance with a very attractive lady.
And I do so like going out on the town...
Note to self, I need a black sport coat that is too big for me so i can feel comfortable in my own skin. Maybe Indy has some descent thrift stores I can go to. I'd like a birthday coat. Maybe something with tails...
Amanda fell down with some terrible flu-like symptoms, and I have been taking care of her. It feels too natural, and I know myself and am probably headed for that edge again. The one where I fall off and spin uncontrollably into a dramatic abyss. But she needs help, and i can't think about that too much now. Brave face, Brave voice. Both have to be put to use.
She is napping right now before a tiny luch and her need to do some homework. She went to work today only to turn around and come home.
It's better that way, as she needs the rest. And theTap where she works was dreadfully slow. Apparently it's a holiday. Happy 4th, everyone.
It's raining here today, which bring a welcome cool breeze. Terrible for the fireworks, but there's always tomorrow.
When the cool breeze gives her a chill, there are plently of blankets nearby. keep in mind that it's hotter than hell in her room, but i am ever the furnace. The fever is getting a bit better when i touch her forehead, but I think there is still a ways to go.
When she wakes and eats and starts homework, i will try and pump out a few pages in my project. That is going slowly, by the way. there is always some distraction that warrants more attention. But again, I'll get back to it later today.
I've decided that I hate text messages, and only want letters. I figure that the cost of a text is as much as a postcard on some cell plans, so that is all i will be accepting form now on. I think this grand idea will last all of fifteen minutes. Still, there should be some kind of twitter for the Amish. And i kind of want to go Amish today. Technology has only caused me grief in the last 24 hours.

I forgot to announce that our Lindsay(indy) fell and broke her ankle. She did this on Thursday night during the fun we were having in Broad Ripple. I hope she isn't in too much pain, but she does deserve a bit of punishment because her Buffy viewing is making me become addicted to that show. And that is not conducive to writing.
I'd punch her or throw a big pillow at her, but she is using crutches and si confined to the couch. There is just something about a show with vampires and demons that makes everything better. A speedy recovery is expected.

I need to start making some soup for a sick girl. More to come, I promise.

Stay Awesome and freedom rules.

ps- I'm hoping that I can get through the stuff I need to get through so I can be a fully functional Andy again. Thank you for bearing with me, and for your patronage to this very small window into my life.

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Thank you for telling me what you think.

Be nice, I'm fragile.