Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday Nights are made for lovers

It is now Monday.
Monday the 16th of November.
That means it is the start of our 3rd season at The MNCS.
Doors will open at 7:30pm and the show starts at 8:00pm

Tickets are now $4
But tonight we will ask if you have one of our nice new flyers. The ones that give you a dollar off admission.

When you say 'No, i don't have one' We will say this:
'Well you must have left it at home or something. Here, take this one and use it the next time you come.'
Then the people will get in for $3 tonight. Because we are crazy marketing monkeys.

Speaking of, the website is now live!

Aaron Gwirtz is responsible for making it go. And once I send him more info, he will add more content.
But I am VERY excited for this step up. And my thanks to Both Aaron for the website and Jen Zalar for the flyers knows no limits.

The facebook event page says there will be 61 people attending, but take away from that the ones who just say they are coming to 'support' and add the ones who don't use facebook or the ones who never look at their event invites AND THEN add all the maybe's who might be Attending... Big Fuckoff show. With lots of people.
My only concern is having enough seats.

Oh, and being funny. My confidence if off lately.
I've been joking that I lost my mojo in the war. I am partly serious.

I forgot to mention that we are on the City Pages A-list for tomorrow, too. That might garner more interest.
I think I might be nervous... That hasn't happened in a while. Awesome.

Anyway. Loads of stuff yet to do. I did an improv set with Jason kruger last night at Anodyne as part of a fundraiser. We ended up just doing Hamlet in different styles. My favourite one was doing it in the style of a Childrens Show. Nothing funnier than talking about treachery and murder while being cheerful and teaching how to spell

At any rate, I have been hungover most of the day.
But due to my power nap when I got home, I will not be sleeping for several more hours.

Hey. I miss you.
Stay Awesome,

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