Sunday, November 29, 2009

#1 Crush

I like it when i am riding the bus and we pass another bus going the opposite direction. The drivers always wave to each other as if to say 'I know. We're driving a ticking timebomb filled with people, and no one knows we have so much power. Also, today sucks. Stick with it'

It makes me smile every time.

I was overserved last night and didn't make it home until 5:30am

I can only blame myself. i believe moderation is the name of the game for a good long while.

As per usual, I am worried about show attendance. Numbers are dropping off, and I know it has just been two weeks and I am super critical of everything ever in the world, but I canna' help it.
I will be trying a new bit next week(not tomorrow)
If it works, it will become a weekly thing.
if it fails, then i can still say i tried, and that is the spirit of the show.
I worry(what else is new?) that it is too similar to the King Lear incident of 2008.
However, this will only be about 5 minutes out of everyone's day, and I am always the first in line to acknowledge a miserable idea. Stay tuned for an update.

So i am sitting here at the coffeehouse writing this. On the stereo is the Romeo & Juliet soundtrack. Yeah. the Baz Luhrman (spelling?) one.
I think it so great when music can transport you to a certain time and place. This music in particular takes me to the driver's seat of my 1986 Toyota Tercell wagon. I loved that car. It was my first ride. It looked like a shuttlecraft from star trek. With ample room for doing naughty teenage things when you put the back seat down.
I'm driving in my car and it's winter in indiana. Which you can't really tell apart form any other part of year because there is never much snow, but this year there was. The Winter of 1997. I was working at Old Navy. I just got the cd after watching the moview ith a friend of mine, but sadly, i cannot tell you who I saw it with. Aaron maybe? I know I saw Austin Powers with him. same thing if you think about it...
it was probably LeighLeigh. She was always into Shakespeare like I was.
I was still 18 that winter. Whole world ahead and nowhere to go but up.
I still hate Old Navy, but their clothes are comfy. I will give them that.
I wonder if I was still with Kate? Not sure. I do know our relationship ended the night we saw Jerry McGuire. Where this is going, i have no idea. there are times where I am lost thinking about random moments. right now is one of them.
Going to The Abbey for tea that always went cold before you could finish the pot.
Sitting at the gazebo, smoking and talking about this and that with her or him or they.
I liked being 18, I think. Just turning 19 when the Summer would be in full swing.
There was a night where Leigh and Aaron and I were just being together. It could have been one of the last times. the last of the perfect parts of my youth in Carmel. I remember the pain of missing Aaron when he went off to school. And Leigh, while she was always around, we ended up not talking for a while because of some moronic argument that didn't matter. And of course, we would have more as the years went on. Hell, one lasted 7 years.
The sparkly things that distract me are many, dear reader. I was talking about something...
Oh yeah.
I had this Toyota Tercel wagon once.
Shiny Shiny Shiny.

I think that if I had nights to get back and re-live, it would be the ones I haven't spent yet with my friends.

Tomorrow is the show. the weekly show. No time for love, Dr. jones.

Stay Awesome until the pie cools.


ps: The MNCS is now on that twitter thing because Aaron made me. I swore I would never do it, but he insists on making this show some sort of success or something.
Follow us @ MNCShow

and please look at our swanky website that he has been working hard on. Still not done because i am a failure at deadlines and things needing completion. Soon, though. Soon.

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